Brute Force Hulk

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Don't attack ≠ Don't have ATTACK 75 52 19 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

underthewronghat · 41

This was inspired from the nice Brute Force Drax deck by SqueeHollowVine.

Hulk's deck is so backward His pack comes with Martial Prowess, which sounds amazing, until you realize that Hulk's hero cards only have two attack events. He comes with (not one) two resource generators that he can BARELY use. There are so many things wrong with Hulk, I can't even list them here. But... This got me thinking. What if Hulk just defends every round?

The basic idea is that Brute Force adds +1 ATK, but you discard it when you make a basic attack. But what if you never attack?

Hulk's ATK is 3 + 3 Brute Forces + 1 Combat Training + 1 Boundless Rage = 8 ATK.

There are three Aggression cards which utilize your hero's ATK without making a basic attack. Quick Strike, Smash the Problem, and The Best Defense…. Hulk also has 2x Crushing Blow, which use his ATK without exhausting him. That's 11 cards total.

So what does Hulk do? Hulk defends. He doesn't need anyone protecting him. With Endurance and Immovable Object, Hulk can end up with 25 Hp. Defend for 3 every round (or 8 with The Best Defense…), and Hulk can take as much punishment as Colossus.

Irony: Smash the Problem lets him thwart for 8 (if he exhausts). This is hilarious. Hulk, with a zero THW, thwarts for 8. Come on, that's a fun play.

Timmy! Of course, if the cards line up, he can throw an 18 damage finishing move with Hulk Smash. This may be more of a "Timmy" deck with 11 cards utilizing Hulk's ATK for big plays.

Economy: I build my whole box for game night, so we grab a hero, grab a villain, and play. This means I have to use a lot of mediocre cards, and allies are few and far between. For weirdos like me, his build uses some cards which usually sit in the box, so I can add better events into the other decks, and Martial Prowess can go to heroes like Gamora and Wolverine.

Options: You probably don't need Endurance, and Avenger's Mansion is a little expensive for Hulk. And for those who are not building all their decks for game night, you could certainly add some better allies.