Card draw simulator
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Denyal_Rose · 2
I love Jubilee. I think her kit is fun and i love the art. I love the design choices and the colors really pop. The problem for me is she feels like a one trick pony (stun/confuse effects), albeit she does that trick very well. I've been trying to think of decks that have a theme rather than focusing on optimization. So i got thinking of a thematic build with her since she's a kid and is often left behind while the main xmen deal with the big bad guy. With the new recruits PSS in Magneto pack, i tried to build a "young" team with Professor X and Wolverine supervising. I say "young" in quotes as I don't actually know much about some of the allies in this deck but they look like they are on the younger side.
The idea is that since the new recruits you can chose from get a boost from being mutant/xmen then I want to keep allies in play longer, rather than chump blocking. Plus I'm trying to be thematic and not have teammates be defeated. So Team Training, Danger Room Training, Uncanny Xmen give additional HP and Mission Planning prevents consequential damage to help them stay in play longer. Hopefully you don't need to block much if the villain is stunned/confused most of the time.
Seems like a fun deck and I like the theme.