Card draw simulator
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SpacerGal · 44
A lot has happened since UA was attacked, but things are finally getting back to normal. And just in time too! With a new semester just around the corner, elections for class representatives are wrapping up. With so many amazing classmates, I can't wait to see who ends up winning!
Hawks: "Alright, kids, your votes have been counted and you get the honor having the #2 Pro Hero announce the results! Your class representative for next semester is... Jubilation Lee! Congrats, kid. Maybe you can even intern with me to learn a thing or two!"
"Wait, what?! ME?! That can't be right, I didn't think I even put my name on the ballot!"
Fumikage Tokoyami: "I wrote you in, despite your modesty. Your ferocity during the attack on our school allowed me to focus on preventing our assailants from causing any more unnecessary damage. Your actions make you worthy."
Yuga Aoyama: "I couldn't agree more! Your performance was magnifique! I would be honored to contribute my flashy lasers to your spectacular fireworks to make every encounter twinkle with excellence!"
Nejire Hado: crashes into the room after hearing the news "Hey Lee! Congratulations! Did I hear you saying you DON'T want to be class rep? You'll be great! And after you inspired everyone to never give up, you totes deserve it."
Hawks: "Face it, kid, everyone's looking up to you. Heck, even students outside of your class were talking about it, and not just Hado. You've got fans in the other hero course, like Testsutestsu and Sasquatch. Mai Hatsume in the support class even offered to build you whatever you need to succeed. Popular opinion matters, Lee. I wouldn't have a successful agency without the support of the public, you could learn from this!"
"A-alright, I accept your nomination!"
The class bursts into cheering.
And just like that, I had taken another step towards being the next #1 hero. It was going to be a lot of responsibility, but with so many amazing classmates at my side, I knew I could handle it.
Here's the preview!
Facing a villain this powerful, and on my own... can I do this? No, it doesn't matter whether or not I can. I HAVE to do this. Everyone is counting on me. Everyone believes in me! I won't give up. I'll stand my ground!
Episode 4 - No Matter What... I'll Keep Smiling!
Nothing too crazy this week, just a classic good-stuff X-Men tribal deck. But, after re-re-re-reading Jubilee's resource ability and confirming it's not limited to once per phase, that makes Utopia crazy value, especially with all the amazing cheap allies the X-Folk have access to! For a quick breakdown, as always utilize Jubilee's fantastically utilitarian kit while you get set up, use Mutant Education to recycle what you need when you need it, don't be afraid of flipping down, rinse and repeat until you win.
As always, I hope you enjoy this week's installment! Can't wait to hear your feedback, tweaks, and experiences, and stay tuned for next week's episode, the Protection finale of My Mutant Academia! This has been so fun, gonna have to find another cycle of cards I've not really used and pick a gimmick to write around once this wraps up. I'm open to suggestions, both on the card cycle and flavor sides!
Love the write up!