Stun Me All You Want (Expert Venom Goblin)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Web-Warrior Fanatic · 19545

Stun Me All You Want

Maria doesn’t care about being stunned or taking retaliate damage. She never attacks throughout the course of a game and leaves the dirty work to someone else. She’s the only hero who can be in alter-ego and still deal 30+ damage in a single turn.

Example playthroughs being stunned and still able to OTK villain's stage III:

Maria vs Expert Campaign Black Widow

Maria vs Expert Venom Goblin (modified deck +3 Stealth Strikes)

Why So Many Cards?

No other hero can run 5 resource cards and 6 zero-cost events. That’s 11 cards that are useless if they’re drawn together after mulligans. But Maria Hill is a unicorn because of her alter-ego ability which can grab an expensive S.H.I.E.L.D. support to be a target for those cards. That being said, it’s still risky to run 3 Global Logistics together with 3 Meditations so increasing the deck size reduces the chance we draw dead hands with only those cards. Maria also thins her deck like crazy late game after playing her 17 upgrades/supports, so this also improves our late game by not decking out every 3 turns.


Maria Hill has one of the most unique mulligan strategies of any hero. We just want resources. Since she’s able to tutor a S.H.I.E.L.D. support with her alter-ego ability, we don’t have to worry about getting stuck with a hand of 3 resource cards and 3 Meditations. Aggressively dig for resource cards for a big early start and pivot between playing Meditation if you mulligan into a 6 cost S.H.I.E.L.D. support/3 cost ally, or using her exhaust for her alter-ego action to search for a S.H.I.E.L.D. support.


Knowledge is everything for S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Maria doesn’t want to go into a situation without knowing what her opponent is going to do. In order to not get Caught Off Guard early on or to survive staying in alter-ego, we recruited allies that can manipulate the encounter deck in Gambit, Blindfold, Wiccan and allies that can confuse in Professor X, Dazzler, Eros, making them all honorary S.H.I.E.L.D. agents with Maria’s hero ability. Combining them with Global Logistics keeps the encounter deck on lock so we can set up safely.

30+ Damage OTK

I’m a “Timmy” player at heart so i gotta have a way to do big burst damage. The way to do that with Maria is with The Iliad which as an action can deal 5 damage to an enemy. Throughout the course of a game, we move all-purpose counters to The Iliad to build it up and get Agent 13 on the table with 3x Command Teams and Field Agents. Agent 13 can ready up a S.H.I.E.L.D. support (like The Iliad) when she thwarts/attacks, and Command Teams can ready up Agent 13! This creates a powerful ready engine for The Iliad. On The Double can ready up The Iliad even more, or ready several Command Teams to ready Agent 13 and have her ready The Iliad. Field Agents may be needed to prevent Agent 13 from dying to consequential damage if you decide to ready her more than 3 times.