Relentless Rogers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

drchook · 275

Full Description in the first comment


Oct 26, 2020 drchook · 275

If you like my decks, bookmark my profile. I delete lists all the time because I publish them to test changes easily in TTS (use the mod to build the deck from the published number). But I will always leave behind the last version of the deck that I was on before moving on to the next hero.

Steve Rogers is relentless! He Thwarts, He Defends, He builds up a giant board and then unleashes a flurry of blows! Late game rounds (after the first cycle through the deck) find him easily doing 20+ damage a round.

Mulligan Strat:

You want to see Econ Cards and a cheap Ally (Spider-Girl, Tigra) if in solo play. Multiplayer you aren't guaranteed to get the Living Legend discount, so just pitch allies for (in order of priority) Steve's Apartment (card draw / healing every round), Super-Soldier Serum, Avenger's Tower, Quincarrier, Combat Training. Always pitch Cap's shield if its in your opening 6, and be very sad if you draw into it off your muligan (because you don't get a free 7th card for the turn). One more note on Cap's shield -- it's okay if you don't play it round one, but if AT ALL possible don't pitch it to play something else. It turns on some really powerful cards, and can take forever to find it again if it doesn't make it into play or leaves play.

Overall Strat:

Prioritize getting your Econ cards (Serum, Quincarrier, etc.) in play, and developing just 1 (discounted) ally a round. The ally does their deal (thwarts, fights) then takes the blow for Cap with their last HP while he swaps back and forth each turn guaranteeing the heal + draw 1 on Steve's Apartment each turn. With your board developed, spend the second trip through your deck blowing things up with Jarnbjorn.


Living Legend:

This ability is so absurd, especially in Single Player. In multiplayer it applies to the first person who plays any ally, but don't be mad, just be happy for them and only plan on guaranteeing that you get it on turns where you end as Cap (so you control the flip to Steve and activate the bonus)

Avenger's Tower:

Living Legend and the tower mean often you are just paying 1 resource, or maybe 2 (Power of Agression or Double Energy card is nice here) to get an ally in play. Don't forget that Agent 13 is not an avenger, so she messes up the ally cap-size clause, and she doesn't get the tower discount. Her 2 Thawrt makes up for it though.

Steve's Apartment:

This card is better than all 15 of She-Hulks Character cards combined... Hyperbole aside, this is a stupidly busted card. 1 card draw + 1 healing for 1 cost? Steve has the best pad for sure.

Super-Solder Serum:

An agression resource every round and NO tokens? Gross. This is what you will use late game to fuel Jarnbjorn and take your damage a round from 10-15 to 20-25.

Avengers Mansion / Helicarrier / Quicarrier / Energy/Genius/Strength/TPoA:

Pretty obvious here, but these cards let you get ahead early and snowball that lead into rediculous power later.


Everyone is an avenger but agent 13, which means their printed cost gets -2 if you have Living Legend + Avenger's Tower going. I'll just drop a few notes for each.

Agent 13: The thwart master of the deck. Look at her as a 2 cost (Living Legend discount) Thwart 8 event and be very happy. I usually don't block an attack with her if I can help it, and just let her Thwart as her final action.

Hercules: Discard fodder (usually) the first time through the deck, but I've gotten him into play for just 1 resource a few times because of the engaged enemies clause.

Sentry: Sentry is AWESOME, you just have to be sure you can handle an encounter card. Try to play him early on turns where you start as Steve to make sure you can use the rest of your turn to deal with the encounter card if it's something that really sucks (like the Nemesis card).

She-Hulk: The two thart for two is better than you would think, and I usually do that over punch for 1 then punch for 2. You always punch for 3 then you have the option of punching 4 or just taking the hit for Cap (or someone else at the table).

Spider-Girl: She's free with discounts! Enough said. Play her for free, maybe get value off her ability maybe not, punch something and then defend with her.

Tigra: You never want to defend with Tigra, and you actually don't want to normal attack or thwart with her where she would take consequential damage if you can help it. Keeping her healthy means she will survive aoe effects, and with a little help she will just snack on minions the entire game while healing off the damage she takes (as long as she gets the last hit).

Valkyrie: Remember that if you pay for her with TPoA, you can choose to generate an energy resource for her ability.

War Machine: Tough tokens are no joke, but this deck gets so many allies in play that I usually just have him thwarting every turn, even the turn he comes into play (even though that kills his tough token).

Other Notes:

This deck is a Jarnbjorn deck. With all your upgrades / supports in play you can...

Punch for 3 (combat training bonus) with cap and pay an agression with supersoldier serum number 1 for 5 damage Discard a card to ready Cap, and do it again using supersoldier serum number 2 for 5 damage Then Relentless Assault for 6 (paying for it with Martial Prowess to gain the stun effect) and pay the agression cost with quincarrier for 8 damage. You are now at 18 damage on the round and you haven't attacked with allies yet, and you've possibly only spent 2 cards to do it (1 discarded to ready Cap, 1 Double Energy card to cast Heroic Strike)

Don't forget you can send the Jaarnbjorn damage anywhere (not just where you are attacking) and it doesn't trigger retaliation. It's great for popping tough tokens off, or finishing off a different target.

Relentless assault is super efficient at dealing with big minions, and is a great target for your TPoAs (as Relentless won't ever get a discount, unlinke your allies). Its also 3 resources for 7 damage (5+2) if you can pay the Agression resource tax.

You don't have to go all in with Earth's Mightiest every time you draw it. It really starts to shine the second time through Steve's deck once you have more supports and upgrades in play.

Nov 13, 2020 Balsak40 · 1

I dug this deck. Great for solo play and just gotta remember to build the econ train first. This deck was fun to play against Green Goblin - Mutagen Formula with avengers coming out handling the thralls! Thumbs up!

Nov 29, 2020 williams14243 · 1

Hi there,I'd interest in that why bring Tac Team in this build? Seams this card is unpowerful.Also this Aggressive Cap hasn't a lack of dmg.

Dec 01, 2020 drchook · 275


Tac Team is not necessary for the deck to work, and can be cut / swapped out. Of the new cards that are out now, that weren't out when I was working on this, I would swap in Team-Building Exercise.