“Hulk not litter”

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DOHK1014 · 15

I have tested this deck against Crossbones expert, Absorbing Man expert, and Rhino expert. I beat Crossbones twice, Absorbing Man the first time I played him with this deck. I actually have yet to beat Rhino, though I have been set up to win and get messed up by encounter cards.

The goal of this deck is to waste as few cards as possible with Hulk’s hero ability. The main two allies I want are Kate and Wonder Man. I’m also using the Avengers style strategy to kneel and stand characters for various effects.

I had great success with some villains, but with Rhino the deck was very swingy. I think this deck will work solo in the right scenario, but want to try it in multiplayer as I think it will really shine in that format.