Captain America - Leadership - RORS Campaign #1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Team Covenant · 5411

This was the final iteration of the Captain America deck used by Zach in the first Rise of Red Skull campaign streamed to our YouTube channel. You can watch the deck in action in part 1 (deckbuilding, Crossbones, and Absorbing Man), part 2 (Task Master), and part 3 (Zola + Red Skull) of our campaign streams.

Most notably, Zach chose to take one of the obligations to completely recover his health after the first scenario. The card he randomly got was Anti-Hero Propoganda, prompting him to increase his deck size to 50 (to avoid seeing it often) and to include as many wild resources as possible - leading to the inclusion of three copies of Resourceful.

The deck also added three copies of Make the Call, after Zach ended up with three of the zero-cost allies from the Task Master scenario.


Oct 29, 2020 Game it all · 14

This decklist is really cool do you think it's the most optimal way to play captain america leadership?

Oct 29, 2020 zachbunn · 4685

Definitely not, @Game it all. The campaign forced me to run more cards, in particular the wilds. The 0-cost allies were also a game-changer. If I was starting a campaign over with Cap Leadership the deck would look a lot different.

Oct 29, 2020 Game it all · 14

Interesting what would you change to make it more optimal? Me my brother and dad are trying to defeat red skull with Kree fanatic and doomsday chair so I wanted to play on the higher power level of decks.

Oct 31, 2020 zachbunn · 4685

I'll see about creating and posting another list at some point soon. I might wait for another leadership pack to drop!

Nov 01, 2020 Game it all · 14

Can't wait.