Pucker up Thanos- Ant Man Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BananaCrapshoot · 4789

hello everyone!

I think protection goes really well with Ant Man. On his Giant form he has 3 DEF and can heal with Ant Man’s helmet. We are gonna leverage this with energy Barrier, electro static armor, unflappable, armored vest and desperate defense.

So that you can block, ready, and draw a card in the villain stage and still be able to do crazy stuff in the player phase.

Clea and Brother Voodoo I both really love, clea is a great chump blocker and cheap. and brother voodoo helps dig for cards from your deck.

desperste defense and preemptive strike to reduce damage we take so we can trigger unflappable and ready off desperate defense.

Having played this deck a few times, it’s very tanky and has lots of healing. great multiplayer and viable solo.