Spider-Woman - The B Team

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ashcarr · 246

This is a concept deck I built after playing one game with Spider-Woman against Kang. I originally used Protection/Justice to keep Captain Marvel on board through a couple Med Teams and using Clear the Area to help fuel Superhuman Agility, but it could definitely be better (as most things can be when going Leadership).

I focused on a couple things with this deck. First and foremost, Jessica needs draw so 3 copies of Strength in Numbers and 2 copies of Espionage are right up her alley. Second, we bring zero, none, zilch in the way of resource cards. It's all focused on supports that stay in play to help draw nothing but gas later. Things like Avengers Tower, Helicarrier, Quincarrier, Team-Building Exercise, Avengers Mansion, and her Apartment.

If you're playing a multiplayer game and someone else desperately needs the Quincarrier more than you do, you could drop this out for another Espionage.

Interesting note about Team-Building Exercise is that it reduces all but three of the supports in the deck in addition to all her allies depending on whether she's in alter ego or hero.

And last, we wanted to focus on keeping Captain Marvel in the game as long as possible. We want her to be attacking or thwarting every turn so Med Teams come into play here, but we also included a fancy new item in Power Gloves and Inspired. This nets CM 50-100% more bang for every action she takes and since we'll be using her every turn, it adds up to a lot of value. As a bonus, it also makes drawing into aspect cards easier for Jessica.

Lastly, 1x Defensive Stance and 3x Indomitable help Jessica stay in hero form in relative safety alongside her Contaminant Immunity as an emergency measure and thinning her deck even further.

With the card choices out of the way, you mostly want to keep your allies around. The most expendable one is Brother Voodoo as he has an enters play ability, but you still only want to treat him as a one type deal and do your best to keep him in play to power up Strength in Numbers and help draw into Jessica's own extremely strong Event cards.

Hawkeye will net damage from time to time and is a good way to clear tough on enemies, US Agent is good for throwing in front of minions and healing up through Med Team, Stinger is just fantastic as a cheap ally and extending your ally count and draw potential, while Voodoo helps pull your cards.