Iron Man - Justice rocks (Heroic capable)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Iron Man - Justice rocks 0 0 0 2.0
Inspiration for
Iron Man - Justice rocks - Duo with Cap Leadership 0 0 0 1.0
Iron Man - Justice rocks (Duo partner) 0 0 0 1.0

robwillis2 · 17

Iron Man will get it done - he just needs time to get his suit going. Justice gives him that time. This desk requires playing the long game. First several rounds often consist of playing Justice cards like Counter Intelligence and Under Surveillance. Beat Cop is especially good here as well. I never use the cops to kill minions - just to thwart. I cannot count the games where I ended with 3 cops on the table and the first cop had thwarted 10+ and the next 2 cops have thwarted 5+. Get one out early. Combined with allies to also help with thwarting - I can go 3-4 turns before needing to flip to Iron Man.

Key cards: Pepper Pots and Stark tower.
I bring out the Quincarrier mid game - and usually use its resource to activate Arial on the boots.

Best opening hand:

  • Pepper Pots
  • Stark Tower
  • Under Surveilance
  • 1-cost suit piece
  • 2x Double resource card

I'll play:

  • Pepper pots - paying with suit piece + Double resource
  • Stark Tower - pay with Pepper pots copying double resource
  • Under Surveillance - pay with double resource
  • Use Stark Tower to get suite piece back
  • Use Tony's ability and grab a card.
  • Play suit piece using card drawn by Tony.

Ideal future rounds look like : 1 suit piece + 1 ally (or beat cop). Get down 1 piece of suit and 1 ally. I usually dont need to flip until I have at least 3 pieces of the suit. Tho I have flipped to Iron man with just having the Arc Reactor to deal with some out of control scheming. Tough round, but flip back next turn and then go another 3 turns before flipping again.

Missions beaten so far:

  • Rhino - Heroic
  • Klaw - Heroic
  • Ultron - Expert
  • Red Skull - Expert
  • Green Goblin - Risk Business - Expert
  • Green Goblin - Mutagenic - Expert