Blue Thunder (Captain Marvel + Leathership)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Blue Thunder (Captain Marvel + Leathership) - BROVAL EDITION 0 0 0 1.0
Blue Thunder (Captain Marvel + Leathership) - BROVAL EDITION 1 1 0 2.0

joruiru · 205

[English below] EL TRUENO AZUL

Potentísimo mazo de la Capitana Marvel que sirve para todo. Se trata de conseguir sacar a mesa el motor de generación de recursos (Helitransporte, Quintransporte and Quinjet) and Alpha Flight Station) y la Base orbital de Alpha Flight, cosa que será relativamente fácil y rápida debido a las habilidades pasivas tanto de Carol Danvers como de la Capitana Marvel. Con esto en mesa, podremos empezar el turno con hasta 8 cartas en mano y 2 recursos gratis, con lo que la partida irá cuesta abajo ya que podremos sacar fácilmente los aliados, incluso hasta 2 aliados por turno.


  • Rino (Experto + Alta Tensión): Victoria
  • Kang (Experto + Anacronautas) : Victoria


Very powerful deck for Captain Marvel that does everything. The plan is to play asap the resource generation engine (Helicarrier, Quincarrier and Quinjet) and Alpha Flight Station. This shoud be easy with Carol Danvers and Captain Marvel's passive skills. With this in play, we can start our turn with up to 8 cards in hand and 2 free resources, so playing up to 2 allies per turn should be very easy.


  • Rhino (Expert + Power Drain): Win
  • Kang (Expert + Anachronauts) : Win