The First "But-Certainly-Not-The-Last" Avenger (Fun Theme De

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Southy · 328

So I've been wanting to make this deck for awhile. The main goal is to only have allies that have the Avenger trait. And who else to play with these allies than "The First Avenger" himself! Basically, if any card has the word "Avenger" in the title or description of the card, I threw it in. I then tried to throw it cards that would get it to 40 and/or if the card just works with the deck.

I know this deck is not optimal. It can be pretty slow, or as some would call it, "bad". I just wanted to have a deck that fits a theme, whether it works or not. This deck is strictly for fun, and I will be adding in any new allies that have the Avenger trait. I haven't played this deck yet, so if you decide to do it, please let me know what cards I should replace.