Tony Stark Always Wears Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GraysonMichael · 8

My card pool goes into the Red Skull box set. I haven't taken the time to purchase anything released after this set.

This is an Iron Man/Protection deck that I have been tweaking for a little while. As typical with Iron Man, it takes the first cycle of going through your deck to get all the components for the suit on the table. The Medical Teams, The Night Nurse, Desperate Defense, Preemptive Strikes, and Energy Barriers are in the deck for its [energy] icons to make Repulsor Blast more consistent and to keep Iron Man alive and fighting.

With this deck I have managed to put 11 points of damage with Repulsor Blast and Super Sonic Punch for 8 points for 19 points total in one turn fairly consistently in several games. In a few games I have managed to deal 17 points combined with SSP and RB.

Any comments or suggestions on how to make this deck better is very much appreciated!


Jan 12, 2021 TonyStark · 47

Iron Man Protection is and probably always will be my go-to deck. He's my favorite hero and I like the play style. What you have here is pretty solid, but I have a few suggestions.

I'm not a big fan of Desperate Defense with Iron Man's 1 Defense, though it does work nicely if you have an Energy Barrier or two and/or perhaps a Preemptive Strike. I understand including it, though, since it has an Energy resource, and if something does sneak through, Arc Reactor can ready you.

You could try Quincarrier over Helicarrier, since it can generate Mental for Rocket Boots as well as Energy for Nova. The downside is you can't play it in Alter-Ego, so it's not as good for getting set up.

I usually don't find Down Time necessary, since there's already a ton of damage prevention and a trio of Med Teams. Definitely replace that with Endurance instead. The +3 Health is immediate without having to flip to Recover, and it also has an Energy resource for Repulsor Blasts.

Finally, 3x Enhanced Awareness feels like overkill. With the ability to have such a large hand, you often don't need help paying for things (Pepper, double resources, and a Carrier already help), though on the flip side with such a large hand you may need every resource you can get! If you try Quincarrier, that's also a permanent Mental generator, so you could cut a couple Awareness to make room for a couple other things. Probably a couple more Allies, since they're often the best bang for your buck.

Check out my Iron Man Protection deck for something pretty similar (mostly suggestions noted above) but not quite as geared toward maximizing Repulsor Blast. That said, Marvel Champions has a lot of good ways to build decks, so it's often largely a matter of taste!