Super Size Me!! - or - Subatomic End!!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

yuuko · 7

So the concept is pretty simple. You have a lot of persistent cards, card draw, and you hit 5 allies. Strength in Numbers to draw up most of what's left in your deck into Avengers Assemble to ready them all. AntMan powers up and readies from each Avengers Assemble and each form change to giant size. He'll quickly swing for 12+ per hit.

Be careful you don't completely empty your deck. You can always play Assess the Situation for free if you need to have extra cards in your discard pile. Remember you draw for each Pym Particle in tiny form, as well as double drawing for a Resize into tiny form!! Count your cards wisely, IF you deck out you trigger an infinite loop and go SUBATOMIC ending the game.

Play - Go hard for AntMan's Helmet and all of the resource generating cards. Drop threat and tank damage as you can. When you get allies out try to keep them out. Get an Honorary Avenger on Maria Hill to up your ally cap to 5 and include her in the Avengers Assemble loop!