Quicksilver The speediest guy on the planet!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Superbosher · 146

You can play solo with this deck since you can do thwarting as well as damage.The ultimate combo is to use Jarnbjorn with Friction Resistance every time you attack since it is a extra 2 attack every time you attack.You should defend every time the villain attacks you since you just untap and you can still attack twice or thwart twice on your hero turn because there are two phases the hero phase when you have your turn and the villain phase when the villain activates so it is very useful to defend for 2 when you have accelerated reflexes which gives you an extra defense.The very useful thing with Quicksilver is you can do thwarting or damage if you want because you can thwart for 2 when you have Hyper Perception and you can do lots of damage when you get the card called Reinforced Sinew.


Feb 08, 2021 michaelcgriff · 163

I've run a similar Agression deck built around Jarnbjorn, and Combat Training. I used Skilled Strike and Mean Swing using them as buffers for CT and Jarnbjorn it run right through Heroic 1 Mutagen Formula. I perfer the protection deck a little more though.

Nice deck

Feb 08, 2021 Superbosher · 146

@michaelcgriffThanks I have seen a few of your decks and they are really good.