Ants be yellow, You're a dead fellow!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Corkumcision · 7

Ant-man is bae


Mar 09, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

I am a big fan of Ant Man Justice. I do not have the scarlet witch set yet so I am not able to play with all of her cards. This is a great deck and the core of it is similar to mine.

My favorite card for Ant Man is Basic - Team Building exercise. You can use this card for any Avenger Ally/Tiny/Giant Card including Avenger Mansion and Quincarrier. I would also want to put in the new Scarlet Witch Card turn the tide I really want to test that with my current line up.

I also like to put 2 of followed/sense of justice/skilled investigator just to make sure I get a better % of getting those earlier in the game.

Mar 09, 2021 Corkumcision · 7

Yeah he is pretty amazing as justice! This is test one of the build I am going to play thru and see what changes can be made. Yes almost put turn the tide in, kinda hard to beat the cost for ability. And I totally understand running more copies of chiral cards. We will see what adds in and what gets cut! Thanks for your input!

Mar 09, 2021 Corkumcision · 7

*critical cards not chiral lol