Marvelous Melee Champ

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Corkumcision · 7

I believe Ms. Marvel is highly underrated. It's safe to say most people believe so and in most cases she finds herself stuck in the box (shame on you). Let me say it for those in the back, Ms. Marvel deserves a seat at the table. She's not your typical hero and as such, she cannot be played like it. In my opinion she shines best in Red & yellow (don't even get me started with Justice... Spoiler alert, it's stupid good. I digress)

Yes, I know what your thinking. Her stats are trash. Although her power is quite underwhelming, This build revolves around getting enough resource support/upgrades to make her hero ability shine like the perfect dress on prom night! You will often spend more time trying to get back Marvel/attack events rather than swinging at the villan. I understand it's a no brainer but the hope is to build early so you then can pull off some event shenanigans later in game.

Don't pass on playing:

  • Embiggen & Shrink - This is bread and butter (if you know, you know, if you don't... now you know)

  • Martial prowess - Love this card, this will pair well with Biokinetic Polymer Suit to have free play with your attk events

  • Team-Building Exercise - This comes in handy to help pay for those Champion allies

NOTE: on the cusp of victory be sure to finish strong as you sing "We are the champions" by Queen (or not, you do you)