Iron Spider - Your Overprotective Neighborhood Spiderman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TrashPanda · 1248

"We save people. We save as many as we can to make up for the ones we couldn't. That's all we do." - Peter Parker

A Genius Concept
I wanted to create a Spider-Man deck that revolves around Peter's philosophy of always protecting people. Spider-Man's stat line is great for this.
- Thwart 1
- Attack 2
- Defend 3
With 3 defense Spidey will want to defend almost all of the time, relying on Indomitable to ready again to defend for the rest of the team! He will use his Swinging Web Kick and all of his allies to defeat the villain after his friends are cleared from danger.

With great protection, comes great responsibility.
I'll go over all the protection cards in this deck and some of the synergy involved. There are a lot of low cost upgrade cards to play on the field, which help thin out the deck for more late game plays, and help Spidey activate more effects when he successfully blocks.

Armored Vest and Electrostatic Armor are self-explanatory - beefing up the Iron Spider suit with +1 DEF and giving us some retaliation damage so that we want to keep getting punched.

A lot of your damage engine relies on Nova's Interrupt ability. There's 19 Energy Resource cards in this deck to help with that, as well as an Enhanced Reflexes to keep on the field for when you need more. Having Black Cat for hire is a free 1 damage or Tough removal per turn, as well, because she does not take consequential damage for attacking. Luke Cage can help block for one turn with Tough and then start punching.

Med Team and The Night Nurse keep everyone topped off and status-free to keep on swinging hits. Having multiple Energy Barrier's active allow us to more easily control being able to trigger Unflappable and Hard To Ignore responses, mitigating the damage taken. One Desperate Defense is included for heavy hitting villains if need be.

Typical Parker luck
Unless you have a teammate utilizing a Justice deck, threat-heavy scenarios could be a problem for Protection Spider-man decks. We rely on Black Widow with Honorary Avenger (healing with Med Team), popping a Miles Spider-man, and having three Hard To Ignore's to deal with threat on board.

This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spiderman.
Thank you for reading my deck build for Spider-man Protection. I hope it works as well for you as it does for me and my group of friends. I love defending and taking hits for my teammates while still being able to do damage and controlling the board with Spider-man's hero cards. KEEP ON SWINGING!


Apr 07, 2021 Didacles · 1

I like this! Probably base my next iteration of Spiderman protection on this deck. I would have thinned it a little bit (I have an obsession with 40-card-decks) but overall seems pretty solid.

Apr 07, 2021 TrashPanda · 1248

@DidaclesThank you! Let me know what you do! I know, I wanted it to be 40 but some cards I wanted to keep or just use as resources for Nova / prolonged decking out a smidge before that extra encounter. I was also at one point leaning towards making it an event focused deck with Nerves of Steel, more Desperate Defense and Never Back Down to defense-lock or stun lock enemies. Thank you for your comment!

Apr 08, 2021 zephyr100 · 25

Remove Desperate Defense. 1 copy really does nothing. Also, if you're doing expert multiplayer, Muster Courage is better than Med Team.

Apr 08, 2021 TrashPanda · 1248

@zephyr100Thank you, Muster Courage is definitely good for expert multiplayer. I'll be sure to try that out! Yeah, Desperate Defense sometimes comes in clutch, when I don't quite have enough defense, and need to ready again. It also can just be used as a resource or an Energy resource for Nova, but I understand it being kind of filler. Happy Swinging!