SCL Season 5 Round 4 - Doctor Strange vs Wrecking Crew [Expe

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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L3w15 7 · 11462

SCL Season 5 Round 4 - Doctor Strange vs Wrecking Crew [Expert]

Simple deck designed to do a lot of damage very quickly.

Since wrecking crew scheming is very ineffective, the gameplan is to switch the alter ego every turn and never thwart side schemes at all. This gameplan also synergises well with surprise attack.

Once the sanctum sanctorum is out you will be able to shuffle back copies of spiritual meditation to repeatedly dig through your deck for the strongest cards.

Wasp is included in here in spite of the very low energy count. Usually you only have 1 energy resource available to play her, but even then she is effectively a 1 cost event that deals 3 damage which is good enough.


May 31, 2021 EpicoTocino · 1

I've been having a blast with this Aggro Strange build. The synergy of how easy he can status enemies + Press Advantage = Cheff Kiss

May 31, 2021 L3w15 7 · 11462

@EpicoTocino That's awesome. I did build this specifically for playing against wrecking crew, I might change a few things in general though. For example, surprise attack isn't really great against other scenarios since if you flip to alter ego and let them scheme you don't have enough ways to remove the threat.