"I Have a Plan: Attack"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Onions · 80

Everyone is building Leadership decks for Star-Lord, and many are trying Protection, but not many people have looked into Aggression. So I looked at the Aggression cards and was surprised by the number of synergies I found. This deck's focus is to keep Star-Lord alive while pounding the villain and and doing what Star-Lord does best.

Basically Aggression:

This deck has a heavy focus on basic cards, with Booster Boots, Endurance, and Down Time here to boost survivability, and four great blocking allies. And of course, everyone's favorite resource: The Power in All of Us.

Red Allies:

There are only two Aggression allies here, but they work amazingly well with Star-Lord. Sentry is good for obvious reasons; half of your hero cards rely on encounter cards. But Hulk is a little less intuitive. Peter Quill's 'Smooth Talker' ability allows him to swap a card from his hand with the top card of his deck. That means you can put a physical on top and guarantee 5 damage with Hulk!

Dropping Drop Kicks:

(I'm pretty sure this trick works, but if you don't believe me, check out the Hall of Heroes ruling on Crushing Blow.)

Looking at this deck, you probably don't think there are enough physicals to justify Drop Kick. And you're right! But Star-Lord doesn't need physicals to get the drop on his enemies. His "What Could go Wrong" ability puts the cost for Drop Kick at zero, which means you can pay for it with all physicals without paying at all! This turns Drop Kick into an incredible card. You get to mitigate damage, push your win condition, and draw a card for free. Always wait to use "What Could go Wrong?" until you draw with Avenger's Mansion and/or Plan of Attack so you can always play those Drop Kicks.

Surprise Attack:

This card is great in general for heroes who want to flip a lot (Star-Lord is squishy and Smooth Talker is amazing), but with the addition of Plan of Attack, you can search the top SEVEN cards of your deck for one of these before you flip to hero mode. Surprise Attack also synergizes very well with Bad Boy and Smooth Talker (you can put a Surprise Attack on top of your deck after flipping to Alter-Ego.

Plan of Attack:

I have already mentioned this card above, and while it is partially here for theme, is really shines in its ability to grab the right card at the right time. Need a stun? Dig for Drop Kick. Have a minion or need cheap damage? FInd Surprise Attack. Need a big pile of damage? Sliding Shot is there for you. Plan of Attack is the Make the Call of Aggression, and that is seriously high praise.

That's it for this deck. Hope you enjoy!


May 14, 2021 manvsdeck · 1

Crushing Blow limits the resource type you are allowed to spend to pay its cost. Reducing the cost of the card moots the resource requirement.

Drop Kick is different. The card has an additional effect if you pay with only physical resources. The word "if" is important here. You would need to spend at least one physical resource to get the additional effect. If you don't, you don't get the stun and card draw.

Over-paying for a card is allowed, however. Use "What could go wrong?" to reduce the cost of Drop Kick to zero, then over-pay with one physical resource to get the stun and the card draw. Still a pretty good deal for one resource.

May 14, 2021 neothechosen · 10648

Fun ideas! I tried Leadership and Justice the most, this seems like a good way to do SL aggro.


May 14, 2021 warboykurgan · 1

I'm with manvsdeck here. Reducing to 0 doesn't mean you have paid with ''zero physical, what means only physical''. The ruling in the FAQ works for Crushing Blow, not for Drop Kick (Nor for Hulk's Unstoppable Force, ie)

May 14, 2021 manvsdeck · 1

If you swap Booster Boots for Martial Prowess, your zero(ish)-cost Drop Kick plan still works as intended. The physical resource is effectively free, so you're not spending additional cards from your hand to get the conditional effect, and it can also be used to pay for Surprise Attack.

I like the concept overall.

May 16, 2021 Onions · 80

Thanks for the feedback! I'm still stubbornly convinced of my Drop Kick trick, but if you ant to add Martial Prowess, I would consider swapping out a Power in All of Us instead of Booster Boots. There aren't a huge number of targets in the deck, and with WCGW, it might be overkill.

May 16, 2021 Pickles · 32

re Drop Kick I did think it was ambiguous but now I am sure it is not. If it works for Strength then it also works for Energy which means it was cast only using Strength and also only using Energy which is a contradiction. QED