

Coste: 4.
Salud: 4.
Attack: 2. Thwart: 2.

Puedes jugar a Mandíbulas desde tu pila de descartes durante tu turno (pagando su coste en recursos).

"Ahhh... espera un segundo, Bruno. Creo que mi nuevo perro acaba de teleportarse dentro de mi cuarto." —Kamala Khan
Ms. Marvel #18.

At first glance, I didn't think much of this card. It's real expensive for what it does. But, I have begun to include this in my decks. Usually, it won't be worth playing it the turn you find it. That's what initially had me skipping over it. But that's ok. It's ok if you discard it for a resource. Because later on in the game, you might have a turn where a little help and a chump block is exactly what you want to do with your turn because your cards didn't work out for you or you need something to soak while you stay in hero form. And for that, there's Lockjaw.

Better yet, when you are all setup you can just keep using your board and keep playing him every round to keep going.

Bronze · 271
Obviously it depends on the cardpool, but I like Lockjaw because of what he does to your chances of having an ally to block with whenever you need one. — Blackhaven · 7
Seems particularly good with Ms. Marvel, the card he was revealed with - between Lockjaw and Red Dagger, you can almost ensure you always have a way to spend your alter-ego resources while STILL running a ton of hero Events. — Blackhaven · 7
I had the exact thought about using with Ms Marvel, especially when combined with The Power In All of Us and Team-Building Exercise — hgwellsdpt · 1

I really like this card on Spider-Man. It gives consistent access to thwart, compensating for Peter's main weakness. After the first round, he can thwart (or attack) for 2+2 in a single round, which can be very impactful in solving whatever problem you're dealing with on a given turn. Plus, he's basic, and can be used in any aspect.

In summary: Reliable, impactful, helps you control the game, and lets you play whatever aspect you want.

I've never been a big fan of Lockjaw even though I do understand his appeal. However, with the addition of Bishop, Lockjaw has become vital to just about every Bishop deck. Lockjaw is a great resource sink for all the resource cards Bishop can hold. You can easily get up to 4 THW or 4 ATK on the next turn, just by killing Lockjaw off with consequential damage and then paying to bring him back again.

DoxaLogos · 240
I love playing Lockjaw in Cyclops' leadership deck with Teamwork, Coordinated Attack, and sometimes Game Time if I can throw Inspired or Honorary X-men on him... — underthewronghat · 41