
Objeto. Tecnología.

Coste: 2.

Usos (3 contadores de Reflejo).

Interrupción: cuando vayas a sufrir cualquier cantidad de Daño, quita 1 contador de Reflejo de esta carta → evita 1 de ese Daño e inflige 1 de Daño a un enemigo.

Ms. Marvel #17.
Barrera de energía
FAQs (taken from the official FAQ or FFG's responses to the official rules question form)

Q: If I have 3 copies of Energy Barrier in play, can I trigger all of them if a minion with 1 ATK is attacking me?

A: No, you cannot trigger more than 1 Energy Barrier unless you would take more than 1 damage because you resolve them 1 at a time. After you resolve the first one, there is no more damage left to trigger the other ones. -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)

Last updated

What you get out of the card is pretty solid. For 2 resources you are dealing 3 damage and preventing 3 damage.

In comparison, you could have both Haymaker and Expert Defense in your deck to accomplish a similar goal with two cards and the same resource cost. However, the two cards just mentioned take care of burst damage which maybe more important based on your situation than the value you get out of Energy Barrier over time.

You can at your own leisure reduce some incoming damage when it comes your way. But, you can't deflect all 3 damage at once that is coming at you. It triggers off of any amount of damage to prevent and reflect 1. You can't take 3 damage and remove all three charges to prevent it all.

But it is still a solid card that for the most part should be used up when you know some incoming damage is coming your way or better yet when you can use it to your advantage in the follow up turn after getting attacked. If a minion on you has 3 health remaining and you use one charge on this to prevent the damage he dealt and bring him down to 2 health, your ally or hero might now be able to finish him off without having to dedicate something else that turn.

And of course, it gives protection a solid fighting chance against encounters similar to Ultron's Ultron Drones. A couple of these on the table can satisfy a similar condition that you would have if you were to play leadership with Hawkeye. They can really put in some work.

Bronze · 260
I'm really enjoying this card. I think it's great for those high-defense heroes that are defending every round. It just "cleans up" the extra damage that sometimes comes over the top of a 3 or 4 defense hero. — diesel · 158
It also counts as a tech upgrade for Tony Stark — tredavi · 19
If you have more than one copy in play, can you use more than one response? I.e. if I have two copies in play, can I avoid and redirect two damage (one from each copy) — Dragonclaw · 17
Yes, but even better than that: You can activate the interrupt on the *same* Energy Barrier multiple times for damage from the same source, since Energy Barrier doesn't exhaust (but, of course, you can't activate it again after the damage is reduced to 0). — Thatwasademo · 1
whoops, my mistake -- apparently there's an FAQ about *that* part, but yes you can still trigger different barriers — Thatwasademo · 1
It’s also a very effective way of discarding tough status cards from enemies without exhausting allies or your hero. — CitizenK2 · 1
It also pairs extremely well with Desperate Defense, Never Back Down, Indomitable, and Unflappable. (ie any card that actives if you don't take any damage from an attack.) — calderc23 · 82
X23 likes this as she can prevent the damage from her claws and deal that to an enemy. — chrisrivers13 · 1
Unfortunately you can't do that because that preventing a cost → — JSBasic · 21