

Coste: 3.

Acción: agota a la Policía de barrio → traslada 1 de Amenaza desde un Plan hasta esta carta.

Acción: agota a la Policía de barrio y descártala → inflige tanto Daño a un Esbirro como la cantidad de Amenaza que haya sobre esta carta.

Hulk #29.
Policía de barrio

When this card first came out, I thought it was severely broken. Played three (3) copies in almost every Justice deck I ran. Now, I think I understand how it's balanced, at least somewhat.

After some time with it, I'm learning that the cost is a pretty decent hinderance, especially early game. It does set you back a good bit if played really early. It's made to be a persistent tick, but has no burst, which you need sometimes. Laying it down turn 1-2 is your best bet but is it always the best play on turn one? Would a better piece of your kit work better for you in the long run?

I think it sits best in a deck that can pump out a lot of resources, or a deck that can also thwart in Alter-Ego (She-Hulk). The card is still valuable in that one (1) thwart per turn is still great, and then killing a minion eventually can be game saving. It just takes 4+ turns to see value, and for some Justice decks, that may be too long.

I guess it's not fair to reply to a comment made 3 years ago with multiple rule changes since than. — dimiav · 3
I guess it's not fair to reply to a comment made 3 years ago with multiple rule changes since than. But based on my experience I think it's highly dependent on the type of game you play, if you are playing solo than such card cost is probably too high for you. For 2\3 player this card is actually great even at later stages of the game. I tend to place 3 of those in almost all my Justice aspect builds. At the point I have 3 of those doing their thing each turn is the point I probably don't need to worry about schemes (of course it's a scenario dependent) — dimiav · 3