Coste: 1.

Juega esta carta sólo si tu Superhéroe tiene el rasgo VENGADOR.

Acción de Héroe: cura 1 de Daño a un Aliado y prepáralo.

Hulk #30.
Presencia inspiradora

Lordy this is a nice card. Generally a free extra activation of the ally of your choice. This card is a great asset for voltron leadership decks. My favorite use I've seen for it is playing Spider-Woman as a hero and then sticking a Sky Cycle a Power Gloves on Captain Marvel. This card effectively becomes a 1 ER ally boosted ally activation that helps cycle your deck!

But really I think anytime you can get an ally doing 3+ of something this card becomes really great value, but the ceiling can get even higher.

Certainly not a card for every deck, but a great option for avenger voltron decks.