
Aéreo. Habilidad.

Coste: 2.

Juega esta carta sólo si tu Superhéroe tiene el rasgo Aéreo.

Acción de Héroe: prepara tu Héroe y quita 2 de Amenaza del Plan principal.

"Me siento como si todo el peso del mundo recayera sobre mis hombros." - Capitana Marvel
Starlord #30.
Vigilancia constante

Just a few words about this one, don't let the stats fool you, the card is actually 2 costed, not 4.

Now to fill the 200 words required to post this : a card that's impossible to play for most heroes, hard for the rest, with the exception of Iron Man (loves to get aerial anyway) AND, of course, Thor, who could get a second 3 ATK from this, plus control over the main scheme... (OK, I'll have to try something with it now). Mjolnir making you aerial might be useful after all (same goes for Agile Flight and Dive Bomb).

neothechosen · 11123
Dr Strange, Wasp, Captain Marvel, Rocket, Star Lord can all gain the Aerial Trait from upgrades. Spider-Woman can gain it from an event. — playgroundpsychotic · 1
All true, but also Iron Man. Still, for a lot of these characters, it's a lot harder than the sweet deal you get out of it with Thor. — neothechosen · 11123
I prefer the optimistic approach of playing dress up with my heroes. I have these fancy upgrades and I usually assume they’ll get played. — playgroundpsychotic · 1
I get it! Eventually you'll get around to play the right card. My point was only "easier for some heroes". I've actually tried Dr.Strange with it, since anyway you'll want the Cloak of Levitation in play, and with Strange's draw power you can't really be stalled too long. It combines well with casting multi spells. — neothechosen · 11123

I've so far used this in a Doctor Strange deck and am quite liking it. Once you have Cloak of Levitation in play you can cast 3+ spells in a single round, which feels amazing (especially when you manage to pop off Crimson Bands of Cyttorak twice). The added threat removal is the cherry on top.

But ... both threat removal and readying isn't really an issue with Doctor Strange and the cost of 2 could be invested into something else. So far it stays in the deck, but I can see myself swapping it in the future.