Plan secundario de jugador
Coste: 0.
Threat: 5.

Victoria 0.

Ningún personaje que no sea Cable puede quitar Amenaza de Purga de tecnovirus.

Mientras Purga de tecnovirus esté en la zona de victoria, Nathan Summers y Cable ganan el rasgo PSIÓNICO y Cable recibe +1 INT, +1 ATQ y +1 DEF.

Próxima Evolución #6. Cable #8.
Purga del tecnovirus

This is possibly Cable's greatest asset. A card that, once defeated, turns him into a 3-3-3 powerhouse for the rest of the game and lends both his forms the Psionic ability. Admittedly, cards that rely on Psionic are limited at the moment, but the +1 boost to all stats is more than worth the cost of entry.

Even better, Cable can pull this card during setup with his Alter-Ego ability, ensuring you get to take advantage of the victory condition as soon as possible. Even better than that, it costs nothing to put into play. This is literally as close as FFG has yet come to just giving us a boosted hero. I thoroughly enjoy the way they are dancing around their own power creep. It's fun to watch.

MacGhille · 268

Great card to take Cable to 3/3/3. If you have Mind Scan in your opening hand, I normally fetch Technovirus Purge as part of his setup phase. That way I can clear it in one turn at the start of the game. However, if Mind Scan isn't there, I'll grab Build Support or Superpower Training as the starting player side scheme to help build up Cable faster when playing solo.

DoxaLogos · 240
It doesn't work that way. — DeadlyNuisance · 1
Sorry, that was my first comment and I'm on mobile. I didn't know 'enter' posted rather than giving me a line break. Anyways, Mind Scan has the Psionic Trait. You cannot cast it until the Technovirus PSS has been defeated, which then gives you Psionic use. You can look at other Non-Cable Psionic cards for verification. — DeadlyNuisance · 1
Technovirus gives Cable Psionic trait, not "ability to play Psionic cards". You can use Cable's cards with the Psionic trait even if he himself does not have Psionic yet. Psionic trait does not have extra rules baggage. — Niner · 1
What Niner says is correct- unless a card specifically says you can only play it if you have a Psionic trait (I.e Psychic Misdirection) them there is nothing stopping Cable from playing Mind Scan — Rey Plays Games · 378