Honey Tejón
Gabby Kinney



Cost: 2.
Health: 2.
Attack: 1. Thwart: 1.

Respuesta de Héroe: despúes de que Honey Tejón sufra cualquier cantidad de Daño, prepara a X-23.

"No me asustas. ¡Y no dejaré que sigas jugando con mis amigos!"
Eleonora Carlini
X-23 #3. X-23 #2.
Honey Tejón

What an incredible ally.

It reminds me of the time when everyone went crazy making decks with Spider-Woman that were really all about capitalizing on her Captain Marvel ally. Those were fun, but they made Spider-Woman feel like an extra in her own movie, which was wild, since Spider-Woman had so many amazing possibilities.

With Honey Badger, we have an ally with a powerful benefit that requires specific deck-building to exploit.

Her stats are, frankly, lackluster. But this is because her ability is so dramatically powerful that they couldn't make her any stronger.

Why? Well, readying X-23 is a huge benefit by itself. Then you have to acknowledge that X-23 can ready herself through damage once a turn. That's 2 chances to use her basic abilities.

But Honey Badger can only ready her once before she dies, right? Sure. Unless you give her a Reinforced Suit or Danger Room Training or Team Training or Uncanny X-Men or X-Force Recruit...you see where this is going?

There are a wealth of buffs for Honey Badger in Leadership and Basic that can significantly prolong her life. And since she has no 'once per phase' restriction, you can really abuse her ability.

Hands down, my favorite Hero deck ally. After Wong, but let's not go there right now.

MacGhille · 231