
S.H.I.E.L.D. Espía.

Coste: 0.
Salud: 3.
Attack: 2. Thwart: 2.

Grant Ward no puede defender.

Respuesta obligada: después de que muestres una carta de Perfidia, puedes gastar un recurso . Si no lo haces, sufres tanto Daño como el ATQ de Grant Ward y retiras de la partida a Grant Ward.

Facundo Moyano
Agentes de S.H.I.E.L.D. #22.
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For the cost of 1 ER, Grant ranges from 2 thwart or 2 attack and 2 damage to yourself to some combo of 6 total thwart and attack. That ceiling is insane for such a low cost, and I think it is enough to compensate for the fail case where you lose him right away. There are some fun ways to build around Grant using Command Team or Get Ready to speed through his available uses or Noble Sacrifice / "You Got This!" to get him out of play. It's a bit risky to build a strategy around a card that may end up removing itself from the game, but there are plenty of allies that work in an ally-readying strategy like Slingshot or the Nicks to provide some redundancy. Unique design and one I am excited to try!

Stretch22 · 975