Super stretchy leads the way - SCL S7R1

Card draw simulator

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babycorn · 33

Ms Marvel/Leadership vs Taskmaster/Mess of things (Standard) for the Solo Champions League S07R01.

Ms Marvel's huge alter-ego resource generation with Teen Spirit, Aamir Khan, Nakia Bahadir, worked well with leadership, plus Taskmaster, low scheme in addition to Hunting Down Heroes' high target threat value means that alter-ego time is relatively low risk. Deft Focus is also really useful (and cheap) to get Embiggen!, Shrink out, and more importantly, with Biokinetic Polymer Suit, Big Hands is economic to play.

Adam Warlock is a great new Ally - with decent hand management it becomes very easy to manipulate his ability, which is so useful for when Captured by Hydra makes an appearance.

Hope that's useful folks!