She-Hulk We're gonna need a bigger table

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Starlordxx · 136

Concept: Get cards in-play to make it easier to draw and use hero events more consistently. There are the 28 support, upgrade, and ally cards that should stay in play long enough to not get shuffled back in to the deck.

With a majority of cards costing 2 or more resources, Energy, Genius, and Strength. Those, plus Gamma Slam, Ground Stomp, Legal Practice, One-Two Punch, and Split Personality along with cards used as resources or discarded to Legal Practice will be the only cards being shuffled into the deck.

Strategy: In addition to using Hellcat, Beat Cop, and Surveillance Team, She-Hulk brings damage to the table with dealing 2 damage when she changes to hero form, where she has 3 attack as well and using cards like Wiccan and One-Two Punch. She's expected to back to alter ego fairly regularly due to taking damage rather than defending an attack, or after executing a Gamma Slam for 10+ damage.