Drax OTK

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Prydolin · 37

The idea behind this deck is to maximize the power of cards like DWI Theet Mastery and Drax's Response. Since neither has an upper activation limit, it's possible for Drax to make multiple basic attacks and draw through a significant portion of his deck in a single turn.

Initial priority for this build is setting up for OTK -

DWI Theet Mastery is absolutely essential and is your top priority.

prioritize Enhanced Physique and Tenacity, and let them linger rather than spending out right away. Enhanced Physique can help to pay to get out other upgrades, but leave them up with 1 token for OTK. On OTK turn Enhanced Physique will be your primary trigger for your 3xTenacity.

The next priority level is having Drax's Knife and your Adrenaline Rush cards down.

Once you have your components in place you need to be sure to have Drax's Vengeance counters fully charged and be in Hero form going into the Villain Phase. Your ideal hand at this point will include a Parry and 1 or more of Leading Blow/"Fight Me, Coward!". If you have to you can play your Parry on the Villain phase and replace with Unflappable, but you'll come into OTK with 5 cards in hand regardless.

OTK Sequence -

1) Discard 3xAdrenaline Rush for +3 Attack (8 Attack Total with Knife+Vengeance)

2) Basic Attack for 8, draw 1 card (Hand 6) (Total Damage: 8)

3) Enhanced Physique into Tenacity

4) Basic Attack for 8, draw 1 card (Hand 7) (Total Damage: 16)

5) 2nd Enhanced Physique into 2nd Tenacity

6) Basic Attack for 8, draw 1 card (Hand 8) (Total Damage: 24)

7) 3nd Enhanced Physique into 3nd Tenacity

8) Basic Attack for 8, draw 1 card (Hand 9) (Total Damage: 32)

9) C.I.T.T from hand resources to ready

10) Leading Blow for ~6, draw 1 card (Hand 10) (Total Damage: ~38)

11) Leading Blow for ~6, draw 1 card (Hand 11) (Total Damage: ~44)

12) "Fight Me, Coward!" (Hand 13)

12a) If you can, Parry+Counter-Punch (Total Damage: ~52)

12b) Payback (Total Damage: ~60)

13) Basic Attack for 8, draw 1 card (Hand 14) (Total Damage: ~68)

14) "Fight Me, Coward!" (Hand 16)

14a) If you can, Parry+Counter-Punch (Total Damage: ~76)

14b) Payback (Total Damage: ~84)

15) Leading Blow for ~6, draw 1 card (Hand 17) (Total Damage: ~90)

16) Basic Attack for 8, draw 1 card (Hand 18) (Total Damage: ~98)

  • insert Knife Leap on any basic attacks when you have them (Total Damage: ~108)
  • if able, you might have a 3rd Counter-Punch on your 2nd Parry (Total Damage ~116)
  • Drax's Other Knife will retaliate 2 more damage (Total Damage: ~118)