Black Widow Orders an Air Strike

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

pran.chi · 2

Natasha's throwing subtlety and spy craft out the window to call in an air strike instead. This deck is focused around the Captain Marvel ally, Command Team, and Rapid Response.

Combo pieces: Rapid Response, Command Team, and Sneak Attack.

Sneak in Captain Marvel, mill 4 and hope for at least 2 icons to deal 3 damage and stun. With over 1/3 of the deck being , there's a pretty good chance of at least discarding one.

Use Captain Marvel's basic power and double consequential damage with command team to defeat her without getting discarded from Sneak Attack. Rapid Response brings her back and we get to mill again.

Black Panther plays an important supporting role with the same combo and lets us hold on to Sneak Attack, Call for Aid, and Teamwork.

Nick Fury can also be snuck in for an easy draw 3 since he and Nat are both spies, but he loses out on his ability to chump block.

I tried to fill the rest of the deck with as many useful resources as possible.


Nov 28, 2021 Pickles · 39

I made up the same deck (mostly)! I have not got the packs for it yet so I have not tried it out. I was also trying the discard for cost thwart/attack ones, which may be a step too far. I would definitely add Goliath who is like a 5 attack character. I was pondering Team Training. It's a nombo with the rapid response recursion unless you have 2 command teams to use in which case it's massive. I am going to try it to see - it will not get played early but that's usual.