Valkyrie - Deathly Glows

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NormalModeGuy · 967

Valkyrie - Deathly Glows

This deck is all about controlling the battlefield with high damage as you ride to victory atop your trusty steed Aragorn so that you may send you enemies straight to Valhalla. Or at least just a visit.

First things first. Card economy. We're running 3x Team-Building Exercisebecause a quarter of this deck is Asgard-trait, including allies. We're not leadership but we do what we can so that we can focus on damage.
We just want to play as much so that we can smash, slash and burn as much as we can. This leads us to Smash the Problem for some of our Thwarting-needs.

Get to the part where I hit minions. - Valkyrie

Angela is fantastic to help with making sure our Death-Glow can have some nice benefits. This solves the minion Angela spawns. (As long as it isn't too big, but again, we have other methods we can use) such as Lie in Wait. We don't want to spend time on sending minions to Valhalla all the time, but what we want to do is cut through them as quickly as possible for our benefit.

"Fusillade" exists because Dragonfang and Valkyrie's Spear aren't really doing anything at all other than bonuses vs Death-Glow enemies.

Visiting Valhalla

Lastly, don't forget to have a grand feast in the Hall of Heroes where you can revel in your victories amongst all your friends with tales of battle! Or just draw 3 cards and move on.

In Closing

This has been a very fun deck to play around with and have lots of dynamic battles with minions and foes! Maybe we'll meet again the next time you Visit Valhalla.