Valkyrie: Avenging Angel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Gamesmeister · 2

Valkyrie is an interesting hero to play, and takes a little practice to use the Death Glow effectively. This deck is designed to use the power of Protection to keep Valkyrie defending as much as possible, while taking advantage of cards to ready her, and then using her to butcher any minions that appear.

The key set up is to get Valkyrie's Spear and an Armored Vest into play, giving her a base Defense of 3. A single Desperate Defense or Never Back Down will boost that up to 5, which is enough to defend against most villianous attacks, even on Expert mode. The latter will also stun the attacker most of the time, giving you an extra turn to build your board. If you don't have these available, Iron Fist and Mockingbird are both available to stun the villain, again buying you valuable time to create your defense.

Once she has Dragonfang in play, her base ATK is 3, or 4 vs an enemy who has the Death Glow attached. This is usually enough to kill most minions, albeit with a bit of help from allies, so use the Death Glow at that point to kill the minion and then ready Valkyrie. Be careful about attaching it to the villain too early though, as much of her readying and threat reduction comes from killing enemies, so you'll want it to hand to attach to minions. Only attach it to the villain when he or she is close to defeat in the first stage, and then later in the second stage when those +1's might make all the difference.

Threat is managed by a combination of Flight of the Valkyrie and Hard to Ignore, especially if you are able to get both copies of the latter in play. Those alongside Warlock will keep threat off the main scheme almost indefinitely, and you have enough allies to deal with any pesky side schemes should they crop up.

The deck is designed to stay in Hero mode, and not flip unless absolutely necessary, which is almost never. Valhalla and the Med Team should be enough to recover from the initial battering she will usually take while you build up, and then a combination of defense, allies, and stunning should keep the damage away most of the time.

There are no The Power of Protection in the deck - a large number of the Protection cards only cost 1 resource, making it redundant, so I removed them.

In terms of testing, this deck has so far gone undefeated solo vs:

  • Expert Klaw
  • Expert Brother of Badoon
  • Expert Infiltrate the Museum
  • Expert Ebony Maw
  • Expert Tower Defense

However, I've also tried vs Expert Thanos and been crushed 4 or 5 times, only flipping him to lvl 3 once, so the deck needs tweaking for him, at least when playing solo - Stalwart is a killer!

Comments/suggestions very welcome