Star-Lord’s not so sneaky attacks

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Drumw44 · 26

This deck revolves on the Star-Lord hero abillity and abusing the capacity to play big allies. At first I had Sneak Attack in because I wanted to do a deck revolving around the War Machine precon deck mechanics but with more and more play testing I realised that you don’t actually need Sneak Attack Let me explain myself..

If you have a 2 cost ally then sneak attack is ussless obviously so you need allies that cost 3 or more.. but..

Actually 3 is not that good because you can play it for free with the Star-lord abillity. So you actually need allies that cost 4 or more for sneak attack to be good/worth in this deck. But then if you would sneak attack a 4 cost ally you would need 1 ressource so lets say 1 card + sneak attack so 2 card to play your 4 cost ally, compared to the Star-lord abillity again: 4 cost - 3 so 1 more card to play the ally (And I have not even mentioned the fact that if you actually pay for the ally with the abillity it stays on the board). So now you need a 5 cost ally for sneak attck to be even worth aaand I only find 3 in the deck so 3 good target is not enough to include this card.

So then I realised that playing big allies for cheap is pretty insane so I added "Welcome Aboard" since Star-Lord has the Guardian trait to play multiple cheaper allies in a turn too without relying on Star-Lord abillity. This card is there because of Leadership Training and not the 3 double ressources. Of course The Power of Leadership.

There is also a combo featuring either Captain Marvel, Power Man or Goliath, 2 Command Team and 1 Rapid Response. The combo with Captain Marvel does between 12 and 18 damage with Power man and Goliath its a guaranteed 16 and 20. Both Rapid Response and Command Team work well with big allies, the former working especially well with Nick Fury. [Call for Aid] to get our combo allies. Nova Prime. I actually dont know if Knowhere makes you draw each time you play an alliy since they are all Guardians with Star-Lord. If not replace for The Triskelion of course.

Let me know what you guys think and if you have suggestions please give them to me! Thanks.