"Schadenfreude ist die schönste Freude" - RR Minion Slayer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

chaosof99 · 20

Rocket Racoon is very good at drawing cards, since his Hero ability has no restrictions. You can often engineer boards where you can draw multiple cards with it at once with the use of his Rocket Launcher. With this he is a good Minion Slayer character.

Use Looking for Trouble and Angela to set them up, and your tech upgrades to knock them down. Your Allies can block for you, but you can also take a hit or two from the Villain as Schadenfreude and Moment of Triumph can heal you up very quickly. LfT as well as I've got a Plan also give you quite a good amount of Thwarting as well.

C.I.T.T. is also very good for him, not just with base stats boosted by Upgrades, but also in situations when you want to play multiple Mean Swing in a turn, or untap a Hand Cannon with a Reload.

On your first turn don't mind "cycling" a 1 cost tech upgrade through Rockets Tinkering abilty, even a valuable one like Thruster Boots, as eventually you will find a Salvage to get it back. This allows you to find those Salvages and other double-resource cards and allows you to set up quickly. You will usually only need to flip to alter-ego once during the game, though it is always an option to draw more cards through Tinkering.

This deck is particularly well equipped against Ultron, against whom I had situations like two drones, another minion that creates a drone on death, and two side-schemes with a total of 11 threat on them at the beginning of my turn, and ended the turn against an empty board while going from 5 hit points to 12 and still had cards to spare.

This deck is a blast to play.