Vision - Please wait until I'll burn you !

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Aghenatak · 8

The key card : ressources (Deft Focus, Sense of Justice) & 616 Hickory Branch Lane Play a lot of upgrade and support giving you ressources especially Sense of Justice & Deft Focus. With sense of justice, you will be able to play easily lot of Twhart cards in early game and the Solar Beam in late game to finish the villain. :-) Quincarrierand Solar Gemare strong card too especially to pay Lay Down the Lawand Multitasking.

With 616 Hickory Branch Lane, play as much as possible Vivian !!! She's a 3/3 ally, so strong !!! Team-Building Exercisewill pay her.

The Vision's Capewill help you to deal with Confused or Stunned.

To play this deck is really easy, you're flipping every turn. You twhart a lot and play support and upgrade as much as possible in early game. In this way, you will draw only the strong events in late game. With the Sonic Rifle and Phase Disruption, confuse the villain.

The density control are really helpful cards to get back Phase Disruption, Mass Increase, and Solar Beam to finish the vilain. Remember, you can play them with Deft Focus.

With this deck, I can deal 50 damage in 2 turns at the end.

The mantra : Please wait... Please wait... Now die !!!