Who told you I was bad?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Alduc · 1044

She-Hulk was without question my least played hero during the first year of the game. She didn't click for me, and I think we didn't have the card pool to really support her. And as new heroes came out I never did take to time to revisit her... until now. And I'm having so much fun with her.

Justice deck are usually very good at thwarting efficiently. But there is another archetype within the Justice aspect that is much less frequently explored: decks that instead prevent threat from happening in the first place. And it suits She-Hulk very well indeed.

This deck wants its cake and eats it too, spending half its time in alter-ego mode while never going further than scheme 1B. Either the villain will be confused, or Counterintelligence will be on the board, or either Foiled! or Great Responsibility will be in hand. The Allies take care of the thwarting when necessary (side schemes are a thing, after all). I would say it's not worth it to open up a Superhuman Law Division - but then it's never worth it.

She-Hulk will want to attack each round and close out the game quickly. Her hero kit doesn't lack for damage and the deck doesn't require much setting up. The deck can be hit hard if She-Hulk is stunned repeatedly. I'm thinking of adding another copy of Scare Tactic to help clear stuns (with She-Hulk, I usually prefer using cheap attack events instead of exhausting her for that).


Jan 23, 2022 Chiznad · 30

Favoriting for the She-Hulk support. My personal favorite and she gets a bad rap. Thanks for sharing! Will give this a go tonight :-)