Iron Man 'Justice' to the Power of 3 by Methos

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Iron Man Energises Yondu's Leadership 1 1 3 1.0

Methos · 340

Very cool and fun deck to play. The majority of the cards will utilize well with Repulsor Blast. It's a great deck for solo and multiplayer. It is a bit slow to start, but this is why you have Foiled! in the game, so you can stay in Alter-Ego for long enough to build up your upgrades.

With Quincarrier you can gain 'Aerial trait' every turn without the need of having loads of 'mental' resources in your deck.

With this deck, you can use Iron Man 3 times in one turn by utilizing Arc Reactor and Two Against the World and with Heroic Intuition attached to Iron Man you can thwart for 9 in one turn. I personally find this very cool and amusing :D

The only thing this deck lacks is healing power, but you can always use Iron Man, then re-ready with Arc Reactor, then flip to Tony Stark and heal. Heal again next turn, flip to Iron Man, and re-ready yourself with the Arc Reactor. This will allow you to gain 3 health every turn.

Side note - if you are playing solo it is advisable to include one copy of Under Surveillance in exchange for one copy of Counterintelligence.

If you do not have Two Against the World you can change it for Determination until you obtain one.