Spider-Woman - Agent of F.I.S.T.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 665

Usually decks that do everything end up doing nothing that well, or are built out of Leadership cards. I wanted to build a Spider-Woman deck that could Attack and Thwart same round while still be good at taking hits.

One of biggest problems with Spider-Woman is that to take advantage of Superhuman Agility you need to both play a lot of cards, but then also be able to ready Spider-Woman at least once, if not more.

Leading Blow can be a powerful card with a ready effect, but doesn’t make it into a lot of decks because Protection builds don’t usually end up with high ATK values. Spider-Woman allows you to mash together Aggression and Protection to over come this hurdle.

This deck focuses on using Skilled Strike and Leading Blow to pound your enemies into submission. These cards, combined with Combat Training, can make sure you’re swinging with 6 ATK, minus the reduction for Leading Blow. This means you’re guaranteed to ready. All for zero resources.


1 base ATK +2 Skilled Strike +2 Superhuman Agility +1 Combat Training

This gets even higher if you play another Aspect or use your Hand Cannon (which is also great way to dispose of Minions without wasting extra ATK.)

Need to Thwart too? Leading Blow left you ready and now you have 3 THW to use as well.

You can also ready more by using Self-Propelled Glide which can be played for “free” using Deft Focus.

Speaking of Deft Focus, if you’re not putting it in your Spider-Woman deck, you’re doing it wrong. Self-Propelled Glide is important here, but you can also use it with some of Spider-Woman’s most powerful cards Pheromones and Contaminant Immunity. It works with a total of 9 out of 15 cards, definitely a great inclusion.

Since this deck relies heavily on its Leading Blow and Skilled Strike, we have Assault Training and Defensive Training to have them shuffled back into your deck. Two Defensive Training because Leading Blow is more important.

The rest of the deck is filled with Upgrades, Allies and Supports to keep you alive and punching.

This deck runs cheap Allies who are good for two things: getting rid of Tough and taking hits. They can also do minor THW and ATK, but getting rid of Tough cards makes sure you’re connecting with your Leading Blow. They can also easily be paid for with double resources or Finesse.

The double resources are important allowing you to get out Finesse, Combat Training, Hand Cannon, etc getting you setup faster. Later on they can help pay for Captain Marvel.

The Night Nurse makes sure you aren’t Stunned or Confused, being Stunned is no good for your Leading Blow.

Med Team is a great team player card, but also allows Spider-Woman to stay in Hero form longer reducing the amount of Scheming the Villain does so you can focus on PUNCHING FACE.

High priority setup includes Deft Focus and Combat Training, but Finesse plays out to be an important card as well because it allows you to maximize the aspects you play.

This minion mashing, villain smashing, scheme trashing deck does it all, verified solo and multiplayer.

Thanks for taking the time to look, and let me know what you think!


Feb 01, 2022 InigoMontoya · 4519

Love this! The Skilled Strike + Leading Blow combo is so strong. I made a deck around it a few months go.


I really like the inclusion of Training cards in the deck. Combined with Pheromones, that's a great way to bring back both cards.