Leader of the A-Force

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Amazing Spider-Woman: Avengers Leadgression Swarm 0 0 0 1.0
La reina de los aliados agresivos 1 1 0 1.0

Master_GM · 572

Tigra: Well, I'm in!

Captain Marvel: I am not going to break up the band.

Wasp: Sigh Next, we will be needing some kind of silly catchphrase.


Spider-Woman: I think that might be trademarked, Anya.

In Battleworld, they were the greatest defenders of Arcadia. In the Marvel Universe, they are led by Spider-Woman to fight together as a strong unit.

They are the A-Force.

Now with their new Leader, Spider-Woman, they have been able to expand the roster and expand their capability and reach.

Spider-Woman brings more to the table to help out her team. Her Apartment allows her the downtime necessary to get prepped to get to locations, allies, or events necessary to keep the team together that with her Finesse on the battlefield she is able to get the teammates out on the field to save the day.

The key ingredients to her team are getting Mighty Avengers and Boot Camp on the table as quickly as possible. With that setup, she is ready to take the fight to her enemies. After those are out then all of the items can be worked on to keep the team going. With the team being Mighty after some Boot Camp training, Jessica can Lead from the Front to really rally her allies (and giving herself a double pump) and just when you think they are spent she is able to get the A-Force to Assemble! They have a comeback for round two to finish off their enemy.

She is not alone.

Meet the A-Force:

  • Captain Marvel: She brings the power. Her stat line gives her flexibility, but every time she activates she just gives you more power to do different things.
  • She-Hulk: She is a lawyer. She is a bruiser. She only gets stronger with each action she takes, so having her thwart followed up with some punches, really knocks out the villains.
  • Spider-Girl: She is your defensive ally. Popping in and hampering a minion, making some attacks, and then defending you.
  • Squirrel Girl: She is your utility member. Getting on the field with her squirrel army to weaken the enemies resolve. She then can do it all, thwart, attack, or defend, whatever is needed.
  • Stinger: She flies under the radar. Not counting towards your ally limit she is super easy to get on the field and get whatever job needs to be done.
  • Thor She brings the thunder! Entering play with a to the face and keeping up the blows for a few rounds.
  • Tigra: She is crowd control. She is easy to keep on the field. Taking out minions left and right without breaking a sweat.
  • Valkyrie: She is your backup. Flying onto the battlefield with some behind her, dealing some damage to some minion along the way to laying the smackdown on the villain.
  • Wasp: She is your secret weapon. Getting on the field to become an absolute bruiser.
  • White Tiger: She is your reservist. She really shines in the late game, hitting the field and providing a bigger boon than in the early game.


This is really an improvement on a previous deck that I built with Captain Marvel. Where Captain Marvel had the power to pull it off Spider-Woman adds breadth to the idea, expanding the team and increasing their usefulness. Now they have not only the ability to attack but the power to thwart as needed.

Allies continue to be key here. Wherein Captain Marvel they hit the field and attack, then defend her and leave, Spider-Woman's kit allows them to stick it out a little longer and they are able to do a lot more. Spider-Woman can keep herself healthy with Contaminant Immunity and then allow some reprieve with Pheromones. While she is keeping the Villain distracted the allies can really get to work making for a great team overall.

Hope you enjoy the deck and its theme!!


Feb 12, 2022 Marctimmins89 · 271

Love the theme of the deck. Once set up I could see it absolutely annihilating any baddies on the table. Cool!

Feb 13, 2022 Brainybrian316 · 2

you can only have two aspects? how do you have all

Feb 13, 2022 Marctimmins89 · 271

The Justice and Protection cards are part of her 15 card kit.

Feb 13, 2022 TonyStark · 47

Last time I played Spider-Woman it was something similar to this and it completely crushed everything quickly and with ease once it got going. I don't think an all-female cast was something I tried, but I definitely will next time!

Feb 14, 2022 Ravellion · 7

Nice. I have a Spider-Woman deck focused on She-Hulk and Captain Marvel, which really showed me those two can do some work. Because of this, I can highly recommend two copies of reinforced suit for this deck as well, even though the approach is different. For She-Hulk this means she can do some ridiculous damage. For Captain Marvel the suit literally pays for itself, and you get the extra thwarts or attacks to boot. You could likely do with one fewer ally in that case. Maybe White Tiger? The other card I'd suggest to swap out would likely be one lead from the front.

Feb 15, 2022 JWalton77 · 1279

This looks really fun! I love Spider-woman and it’s so awesome how many different decks you can build for her.

Do you mind if I ask you a question? How do you get an image into your description?

Feb 16, 2022 Master_GM · 572

The website uses a markdown style. This website has been helpful:


Feb 16, 2022 JWalton77 · 1279

@Master_GMthank you very much!

Oct 03, 2022 dr00 · 40063

super fun and thematic. well done! i love the Boot Camp / Mighty Avengers combo