War Machine - Vigster Cardomatic Universe (VCU)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vigster · 18

Note: I build all of my heroes so my decks are optimized only in the sense of the collection - hence the VCU tag. Welcome to the Vigster Cardomatic Universe!

War Machine is about War. War is about battles. Battles are about expending weapons. This deck is about expendibles. Nothing is sacred - everything must go. Then let logistics restock.

Aside from his own deck - his allies are the main focus. And they are not cheap.

This team is like a bunch of Nick Furys! And Make the Call is there to get a bit of the sniffing salts into action and get them back into the fight. Waste not want not...