Thor crushes minions AGG

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bheto · 23

English: first, we will make a mulligan to try to get Asgard or ¡Por Asgard!. We will use the minions to control the plan and our allies to take advantage of their skills related to them. With Thor we will attack non-stop trying not to defend, and if there is no choice, we will recover with Tomarse un respiro. The rest are improvements that will boost Thor's attacks.

Español: primero, haremos un mulligan para tratar de conseguir Asgard o ¡Por Asgard!. Utilizaremos a los esbirros para controlar el plan y a nuestros aliados para aprovechar sus habilidades relacionadas con ellos. Con Thor atacaremos sin parar tratando de no defendernos, y si no hay otra opción, nos recuperaremos con Tomarse un respiro. El resto son mejoras que impulsarán los ataques de Thor.