Basically, It's Very Strange

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dafair · 7

This is an odd deck. The entire point is to get as many of your supports, upgrades, and both of your allies out as possible in the first run through the deck, then with a very thin deck, play your powerful events until you win.

Use Wong and Cosmo to cycle your Invocation deck as needed, noting that Cosmo will never miss when naming a card type if you draw from the Invocation Deck, so unless you absolutely have to block with him, he will stay out forever doing slow but efficient pipping of toughs, etc. First Aid should keep Wong out for a good long time as well.

All of the "Enhanced" Resource generators are there to thin the deck, as well as provide resources. I try to avoid using the last resource from them unless it is for a powerful effect, just so they stay out of the deck longer.

Try to save Adrenaline Rush and Civic Duty for a turn when you can also play one or both Magical Enhancements on yourself and you have the fists (maybe from Enhanced Physique) to use multiple Tenacity upgrades. If that perfect storm never hits, just use Tenacity to use the Invocation Deck again.