Draw Strength From Numbers! - Ironheart Expert Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
"Further, Faster, Baby!" (2.0) - Capt Marvel / Leadership 675 562 6 3.0
Inspiration for
Ironheart multiplayer, heavy thwart 1 1 0 1.0

goose · 53


This deck wins by drawing a lot with Strength In Numbers, Tony Stark A.I., Stroke of Genius, etc. High amounts of resource cards help maintain the ally treadmill as you level up your suit and draw into a very powerful set of hero cards. Burst damage from Go All Out can closeout games or take out beefy minions.


  • Tony Stark A.I. might be the most important card in the deck, allowing you to draw your preference between two cards in either form.
  • Keep almost all resource cards except for Band Together.
  • If the encounter starts with a side scheme, mulligan for Maria Hill and/or Fly Over. Usually keeping event cards is bad but Fly Over awards 1-2 progress counters, so it helps with tempo and suit ramp.
  • If the encounter doesn’t start with a side scheme, mulligan for Brawn. The mental resource makes it more likely that you’ll be able to get progress counters quickly.

When Do I Play Strength In Numbers?

This can be tricky. Map out potential plays without using Strength In Numbers. Try to predict whether sacrificing your allies’ exhaust for card draw will result in a better average board state. Perhaps you need to draw into a certain damage or resource card. I’ve found that using Strength In Numbers is the “correct” play about 80% of the time, provided you have 2+ allies in play. The instances where you shouldn’t are usually high threat states, where it’s better to use allies to thwart and be safe, rather than hoping you draw into thwart events with resources to pay for it.


Single player:

Remove 1x Assess the Situation for 1x Go All Out While Assess the Situation helps the early Hero hand size of 4, it is a slow card. Go All Out is a lot of value but doesn’t really help too much in the early game. In difficult encounters it’s usually early to early mid-game when you have problems.

Remove Vivian or 1x Assess the Situation for Nick Fury. This was a tough choice. While Nick Fury can be powerful, I rarely played him unless I already felt I was in control or close to a victory. Vivian is a low cost ally that can help you shutdown a frustrating side scheme, ‘Patrol’-minion or attachment, while you try to stabilize and crest the mid-game hump. Playing both is certainly an option, as both have the all-important mental resource. Hawkeye/Clint Barton might also be a good option here.


2x Assess the Situation for 2x Push Ahead. While Push Ahead is an efficient and situationally powerful card, thwarting for 6+ in single player is rare and usually means that you’re in big trouble anyway. But for multiplayer, especially 3+ players, thwarting for this amount will make your justice player jealous.