Spy of the Spider-Verse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

journeyman2 · 23814

This is part of "Journeyman's Guide to the Multi-Verse Series," a descendant of Spider-Verse Swarm. A general outline can be found at this post.

Ghost-Spider is used here to grab Covert Ops as often as possible, giving us easy access to Natasha Romanoff, where we can use Safe House #29 to recur Rapid Response. Ghost-Spider and Covert Ops being usable from alter-ego is a huge plus. Dance of Death is the late game option for quicker close-outs.

Spider-Man readies Black Widow's Gauntlet to play Rapid Response and any other Preparations for free each round. Bonus that they're Tech.

Make the Call gives us earlier access to Ghost-Spider or brings in Gamora. Both could be dropped for extra copies of Regroup for Spider-Man, so experiment and tweak how you would like.

Symbiote Suit and Synth-Suit have a neat little combo.

Otto can even trigger the second Rapid Response himself (though won't get his effect). It isn't hard to set up Kaluu or Maria Hill for this though, since the first Rapid Response will bring them back in with 1 HP.