The King of Wakanda Calls

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

adamRenny · 8

The King of Wakanda Calls - Will you answer?

Thematically, Wakanda has vibranium, takes to the skies, and has access and connections with all of superhero kind. This means T'Challa's super power is partially how much access he should have. And that's what this deck is about. Using Make the Call to defy what is allowed to be played.

Note: this deck isn't the strongest, but it is fun and feels like how King T'Challa would operate. Missing traits? Everyone takes a call from the King.

Basic Strategy

Wakanda Forever!'s value is that with one or more of the upgrades, it is more efficient than other attack cards by cost. That means we want all of the upgrades and to be able to Wakanda Forever!, forever.

The idea then is to get out as many of the upgrades, safely, and repeat Wakanda Forever! until the opponent is dead.

Win Conditions

At its worse, this is a 2ER 4 attack damage event. With other upgrades, Wakanda Forever! is that much better.

Get more events. This is the glue of the deck. Any target works well here, but their job is to collect Wakanda Forever!, forever. Gamora keeps attacking, Ghost-Spider can attack/defend, and Kaluu is more of a one-off.


Card Breakdown


Priority 1 - Make the Call

Priority 2 - The Wakanda Toolbox

  • Kaluu - Event searching is great. Not as reliable as Ghost-Spider or Gamora. The low event count makes him whiff a lot. Mystics representative.
  • Shuri - She's your "get out of jail" card when the baddies blow up your toys. Wakanda representative.
  • Nick Fury - Great bomb, extremely expensive. Combo with Rapid Response for a hand size of 8. Nick Fury's everywhere.
  • Professor X - Another great bomb, and slightly less expensive. Professor X also covers the thwart weakness. Combo with Rapid Response for some additional status effects. X-Men representative.
  • Maria Hill - Wonderful in multiplayer, useful in single player. Wonderful thwarter. S.H.I.E.L.D. representative.
  • Beast - Returns likely another Vibranium back. Combo with Rapid Response during the Villain phase to get some of those high value resources back. X-Men representative.
  • Mockingbird - Very useful for stun when you need more time. S.H.I.E.L.D. representative.


The low event count is to allow Gamora to always find something useful.


This deck plays off of expensive cards, and without many resource generators more resources are useful. This can have the detrimental effect of overspending on occasion, or being resource clogged. When it balances out, this is a beautiful thing.




Oct 09, 2022 backsexy · 2

Dude, I don't understand how you can play Gamora and Ghost Spider. They can only be played if your are guardians or web-warriors...

Oct 09, 2022 adamRenny · 8

@backsexy They’re the primary targets for Make the Call. You can’t play them, you’re right. So you “Put them into play” instead after discarding.

Unless I’m missing how Make the Call works, I’m pretty sure the “play” clause only matters for being played from the hand or any other “play this card” like Helicarrier or Government Liaison.

Oct 18, 2022 namor · 43

love the theme and the playstyle!

Oct 20, 2022 adamRenny · 8

@namor Thank you!

I'm excited to see what our future Leadership/Basic allies are that mesh well with Black Panther, and what traits come out.

To expand, you could probably swap Mockingbird for Snowguard to add in some Champions, but that curve and stun are holding me back.