Bolchevick Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Remo · 4

A personal attempt of Justice affinity to help Colossus to overcome he's lack of thwart.

It turns out to be a pretty fun deck to play. I just tried it few minutes ago and finished with 27 damages in one phase!

The aim is to use the allies Shadowcat, Wiccan and Nick Fury to thwart.

If Beat Cop is available early in the game she can be used to slow down the main scheme evolution in a similar way of She Hulk alter ego form ability but with the opportunity to kill a huge minion if needed.

Under Surveillance and Impede can be used as well to ease the control of the main scheme.

With the help of Clear the Area and For Justice! you can even use One Way or Another and Skilled Investigator to accelerate your board installation.

Simply add all the impressive russian super powers and you are ready to enjoy your games.