What the flark is an X-Man?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Rocket Raccoon - Aggro - Weapons 0 0 0 1.0

ClassyRobot · 5355

At the bar on Knowhere -

"So Groot and I took MY ship, the Milano, out for…let’s just call it a joyride and not knocking over a Sovereign ship carrying a boat load of units…when all of the sudden we get a distress signal out in Shi’ar space. Well, you know my buddy Groot, he can’t stop talking about helping them! I am Groot this and I am Groot that! So, we make a pit stop to pick up these losers.

When we get there this bald Terran starts telepathically thanking us. Is that supposed to impress me or something? Moondragon already does that party trick, pal. But his chair…I’m getting that chair. I’m getting off track it was him, a fire guy, this guy with knife hands about my height…hey! Quill’s told this story about a Terran named Fred Krueger! He’s never gonna believe we met him Groot. Oh! And this purple girl that should be thankful Quill wasn’t there or else he wouldn’t leave her alone. Psyduck? What was her name, Groot?"

"I am Groot"

"Psylocke! HA! I was way off. They say they’re the…Ex Men?…whatever the flark that means. My guess is a dumb name for space pirates since “X marks the spot.” That would mean they have units…or know where some are. So, we picked up the hitchhikers, avoided Gladiator and the entire Shi’ar fleet, and headed off. Matchstick the fire guy starts freaking out, asking how I can avoid all these losers, and I tell him the truth, he’s flying with the best pilot of all time, who’s honed his technique for years. Ain’t that right, Groot?"

"I, am Groot."

"Well, it mostly happened like that!"


This is a Honed Technique deck for Rocket that finally allows him safely to go into AE with 3 confuses, letting him Tinker. Priority upgrades are Thruster Boots and of course Honed Technique. Warrior Skill can be used to ensure there is overkill damage, triggering Rocket’s card draw, which is especially useful for Particle Cannon or Rocket's Pistol. Sadly, it can't boost Rocket Launcher as it's not an attack. Also, remember that even an empty weapon is useful for Fusillade. Clobber under the right conditions can be a net 1er, or even neutral provided you use it first and it causes overkill.

With all this extra damage Marked isn't a bad card to add in, but I'd probably only swap that in large multiplayer games where minions are almost guaranteed each turn. Theoretically, in an Ultron game with 3 drones out Marked, that would be an additional 9 Damage to him. Will that happen in game? Probably not.

Thanks for checking this out!


Nov 21, 2022 Deanderthal · 38

Amazing writeup. Well done.

Nov 21, 2022 ClassyRobot · 5355

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it I had a lot of fun with the writeup.

Nov 21, 2022 Omegawatt · 1

I legit lol’ed reading this. Looks good!

Nov 21, 2022 Pots · 7

I am groot

Nov 22, 2022 neothechosen · 10667


Nov 22, 2022 ClassyRobot · 5355

Ha! Excellent point @Pots I’ll have to check that out! :P

And thank you @Omegawatt and @neothechosen! I was really luke warm on Rocket when he came out but have really grown to appreciate what he brings. Cheers!

Nov 23, 2022 Edufarre · 1

An empty weapon goes to discard pile, I think. Did the rule about "Uses" change?

Nov 23, 2022 ClassyRobot · 5355

Great question @Edufarre! Only cards with “uses” on it discard when empty, and thankfully Rocket’s weapons do not have that clause, so it remains in play until you discard it. Otherwise Tinkering would be near impossible with his kit. They added that stipulation right around Rocket’s release, so it remains in play until you discard it, just empty and hopefully waiting for a battery pack. Cheers!

Nov 23, 2022 Edufarre · 1

Oh! You have just made me happy, @ClassyRobot. I have been playing RR wrong all time long, but if I liked him before, now I think he is even better. Thank you a lot!

Nov 23, 2022 ClassyRobot · 5355

Happy to help! I know I played him like that once or twice and thought that something had to be wrong…thankfully it was! Happy blasting!