Storm [Aggression] - Ally Team Strike

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bmay511 · 302

This deck is all built around getting your allies out, and setting them up for the "swing for the fence / coup de grace" blow with Team Strike! Use Team-Building Exercise, The X-Jet, and Helicarrier to help pay for them, and get them out more easily. Use Boot Camp and Attack Training to beef them up, and use Combat Training in tandem with The Best Defense… to help protect Storm vs. enemy attacks (predominantly due to her low defense ...)

Have fun, and hit hard!!!


Nov 26, 2022 AncientEpithet · 730

@Bmay511 - I love the use of The Best Defense…, because it helps offset the damage bonus that Thunderstorm gives both you and your enemy. Very interesting and unique addition to this deck! I love how you've built around Team Strike, it's a great card to highlight for big, comic-moment swings in the game.

What was the process for picking your allies? Why no Wolverine instead of Magik/Longshot or maybe a She-Hulk instead of Brawn? I think some are better solo (I might pick the ones you have for solo) and maybe bigger build-up allies or more costly allies for multiplayer, maybe? Just curious why you picked out the ones you did, I'd love to hear the thought process!

Nov 26, 2022 bmay511 · 302

@AncientEpithet - Yep! It always feels bad to chump block with an ally shortly after you got it out onto the battlefield, thereby limiting its duration and subsequent utility. I thought that The Best Defense… would be good, so that Storm could do her own defending, keeping your allies on the board longer and set them up for the massive team strike! And yeah, I should have mentioned it in my original notes, but it goes without saying that "thunderstorm" is definitely the weather effect you want to keep in play with her as long as possible to really maximize the effectiveness of this deck. Regarding the allies, you are absolutely correct. There are probably better choices that exist out there. However, when I make a deck, I like for it to be ready to play "right out of the box", without having to swap in or out cards from other decks every time I want to play any one given deck. As such, many of my better allies currently are sitting in other decks. I think you are correct though that Wolverine should be an auto include in here. Additionally, you want to try to keep as many of them as possible as X-Men, so as to make a Attack Training easier to use. Appreciate the feedback!!!